
Empty space vacancy!


Empty space vacancy!

Empty space vacancy!

Architecture/ Spatial Design
ECoC2024 | Austria | Upper Austria
Summer semester 2024
Application until 03.Dec 2023

Initial Situation.

Initial Situation.

Initial Situation.

Gosau has an abundance of empty properties – there is a large housing vacancy in the municipality due to underutilization or temporary use. These vacancies are spatial resources that are unused. In contrast, the municipality has a duty to provide housing for the current and future population. The municipality does not have access to private property, but it can and will point out that the creation of more single-family homes is not a forward-looking form of housing.
Empty space vacancy!


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Since punishment systems, such as a vacancy tax, are rarely effective, new ideas and positive incentives are needed to accelerate the desired change in thinking. What new forms of housing would be possible? Which (new) target group can be addressed by such forms of housing? What are the advantages for owners to open up vacancies? Which arguments and references are needed to enable a discussion and further thinking? Which framework conditions and/or subsidies could the municipality additionally create? For Gosau it is important to transfer innovative concepts for the activation and development of vacancies to local conditions and to summarize them in a “catalogue of possibilities” in order to initiate “new living”.
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